Dragon Ball Fanfiction

Piccolo Versus Chi-chi

Created: 4/9/00; Updated: 10/27/02; Status: Complete; Words: 454
Rating: Cruelty 6, Emotions 6, Gore 6, Language 6, Violence 6; Content: Humor
Summary: The temperamental wife of Goku engages the mighty Namekian in a violent argument about Gohan.
Navigation: Chapter 1 | Reviews

Piccolo's Birthday

Created: 4/18/00; Updated: 10/28/02; Status: Complete; Words: 850
Rating: Cruelty 5, Emotions 5, Gore 5, Language 5, Violence 5; Content: Humor
Summary: Piccolo's birthday is celebrated by the Z Warriors, which essentially means something crazy will happen.
Navigation: Chapter 1 | Reviews

Picnic Problems

Created: 7/29/00; Updated: 10/27/02; Status: Complete; Words: 531
Rating: Cruelty 5, Emotions 5, Gore 5, Language 5, Violence 5; Content: Humor
Summary: A seemingly innocent meeting of the Z Warriors for a peaceful picnic quickly becomes chaos.
Navigation: Chapter 1 | Reviews


Created: 4/30/01; Updated: 10/26/02; Status: Incomplete, Stopped; Words: 4,822
Rating: Cruelty 6, Emotions 7, Gore 7, Language 6, Violence 6; Content: Drama
Summary: A band of Saiya-jins tussles with a Tsufuru-jin and feels the wrath of Emperor Koola for the casualties that result.  To complicate matters, one of the surviving members is now plagued by an extremely severe mental condition.
Navigation: Chapter 1: Tsufuru-jin | Chapter 2: Schizophrenia | Reviews