Picnic Problems
Chapter 1

    The Z Gang was sitting around a very long picnic table in the park.  It was a nice day, and the group was in an unusually good mood.  On the table was enough food to end world hunger on several worlds.

    Vegita had his mouth full of delicious steak.  He was happily munching on his favorite Earth food.

“Hey guys!” little Trunks shouted, jumping up onto the table.  He couldn’t believe that he hadn’t thought up this sooner.  “Look at me, I am Kakkorratt!  ‘I am stupid and like to eat and have an evil wife.’ ”

    While most of the group wanted to strangle Trunks, Vegita’s mouth curled up.  Maybe it was because what Trunks said was funny.  Or maybe it was because the son of Vegita had finally done something for his father to be proud of.  At any rate, Vegita, with his mouth still full of steak, was overcome with laughter.  Only one problem:  his mouth was closed to keep the steak in.

    Steak exploded from the Saiya-jin’s nose.  The saliva-covered meat splattered all over Trunks.

    Goten, who had been offended by his friend’s imitation of his father, exploded with laughter.  However, his mouth was full of water, and therefore closed to keep it in.

    Water erupted from Goten’s nose like a horizontal fountain.  The water, full of all kinds of nose formations, landed on Chaozou.

“Oh god I am going to melt!” Chaozou shouted.  He started running around in circles, screaming at the top of his lungs.

    Piccolo, usually one not to even comprehend humor, and one currently with a mouthful of bottled water, one who had the extremely bad luck to be sitting across from Chi-chi, had water shoot form his nose.  The water hit Chi-chi, washing her make-up off.

“You stinking Namek!” Chi-chi shouted.  She grabbed a cheese-grater and rolling pin and chased after a fearful Piccolo.

    By now, Yamcha had shot potatoes from his nose, Tien was trying to calm Chaozou down, Vegita had passed out from laughter, Goku had taken some food from everyone’s plate, and Trunks was regretting what he had done.

“I hate this life!” Krillin shouted.  “I have no nose, and can therefore not launch food and drinks from a nasal passage!”  He burst into tears. 

“Don’t worry honey,” Eighteen said.  She whispered in his ear.

    Krillin shoved a bunch of rice into his mouth, and then flew above the group.  He began to spin like a tornado, and then forced the grains of rice out through his ears.

    Trunks was still standing on the table.  He looked up at Krillin and covered his eyes.  He couldn’t figure out how it was coming out of his ears.

    Chi-chi was holding the cheese grater in a tight grip, and thrashing it about like mad.  Piccolo was just fast enough to avoid the flesh-ripping swings.  The chase continued right to the table.  Piccolo jumped over it, and Chi-chi followed.

    Trunks screamed.  As Chi-chi was jumping, she was still swinging the grater.  The sharp metal whizzed extremely close to Trunks’ skull.  It wasn’t close enough to damage the skin, but it was close enough to shave a vast portion of Trunks’ hair away.