Updates: October 2002
October 26, 2002 at 10:45PM Eastern Daylight Time
I've astonished myself with the amount ot
work pertinent to MSROCAI that I've accomplished recently. Four old
fanfics are now back online:
Human Fool,
Saiya-jin Fool,
Namek Fool. The reviews are also with them. I'm not sure when
the next update will be--it might be in five minutes, it might be in five
days--but the content should keep coming, especially if kind people like Goku
Girl keep using The DBFCC and kind people like mysticGohan33 keep reviewing the
October 24, 2002 at 4:35PM Eastern Daylight Time
Irk Gohan, Moron Chapter 1: War Declaration has, after over two months of
wait, been uploaded. Tomorrow is a half day of school for me, so I might
possibly do some work in the afternoon, and I'll likely do a little over the
weekend to complete a few more parts before next Friday, which is the date the
Sennenki Fanfic Contest
ends. Speaking of that, I might enter some of my old fanfics, even though
they will be unlikely to win their categories, just to add some competition.
However, guess what that would require; correct, the restoration of the written
fanfics. Shouldn't take too much time tomorrow.
October 22, 2002 at 8:50PM Eastern Daylight Time
My next batch of
English Journals are due tomorrow, so I've gone ahead and posted them.
I didn't get any fanficcing done today because I woke up at 5:40 instead of 5:00
(for note I woke up at 3:30 yesterday).
October 21, 2002 at 8:20PM Eastern Daylight Time
I did not make significant progress on the
writing or revision of any fanfic this weekend, as I had planned, but I did take
a little time and sort through my fanfic files; I've now prioritized some tasks
and discovered some old projects that I've decided to reanimate. This
update does not lack new content, amazingly, for I've added the
English Journal, which is some of my original writing. To allow more
people to review this and the fanfics, I've lifted the ban on unregistered
reviews. The information pages have been modified accordingly.
October 17, 2002 at 5:00PM Eastern Daylight Time
My hiatus on updates was directly caused by
school. 'Tisn't the time for ranting and raving and fussing and tirading
about that at present, I've convinced myself, so the brunt of that tempest is
yet to be released and threaten the shoreline of your mind and Cuba, which is
now not only an island and a Communist failure but a tropical
depression/storm/hurricane magnet. My course load is, and I mean this in
all honesty, trying to capture me, restrain me, beat me, maim be, maul me, maim
me further, almost kill me, and parade my almost-corpse around my brain each and
every day, for the most part, kind of, maybe. I'm trying not to succumb
and that requires me to vanquish the attacks, subjugate them, and prepare myself
for the next assualt, which, if you're not taking several oodles of AP classes,
is rather time-devouring. Speaking of AP classes, I asked my AP chem
teacher what would happen if I brought water and anti-sodium (actually,
anti-Francium) into contact, since alkali metals explosively react with water
and matter explosively reacts with anti-matter; I think I may have mortified
him, so I must myself locate the answer--if you have any anti-Francium lying
around, e-mail me.
In the pertinent world today, I've once more
made some minute little modifications to various pages. I do not have
school tomorrow, so I'm planning to try to update with some content.
However, I face other demands daily, so I need some motivation. I
appreciate all the hits--I really do--but they, sadly, lack sufficient force to
counteract the detriments of school, and thus, I need more, specifically
submissions to the DBFCC, which actually go beyond contributing to the arrival
of new fanfics and bring your website and fanfics more visitors.
Today's quick bits: I've changed the way fanfics are
rated on MSROCAI, so you might want to
check out
what's happening; the fanfic review form has been slimmed down considerably
because I think it was actually wounding potential reviewers with its largity
(largeness); some of you have inquired as to why specific types of romance
fanfics are not included in The DBFCC Library, and my answer is that romance
encompasses all of those subcategories that so obssess so many people; speaking
of sex fics, Fanfiction.net's
now enforcing its ban and nothing's exploded yet, possibly a good sign;
congratulations to Goku Girl
for getting her one-hundred thousandth hit last week;
Chelsee's allegedly
writing again, so I am and you should be anticipating some wonderful new fanfics
soon; Tropical Storm Kyle rocked and rolled; I'm planning to have some new
content tomorrow.