Steele's Realm of Creation and Imagination. This is my personal plot of
the Internet.
Mike Steele's Realm
of Creation and Imagination (MSROCAI) and all of the files that compose MSROCAI
are the intellectual property of Mike Steele. MSROCAI was
coded from scratch by Mike Steele with the following exceptions: Bravenet supplies
the hit counter and the form submission scripts; HTML Gear supplies the
guestbook. While accessing the source code for MSROCAI is encouraged to
promote knowledge about personal website development, do not copy the source
code from MSROCAI and publish it as your own website.
All content on
MSROCAI is the intellectual property of Mike Steele.
MSROCAI is currently
hosted by Tripod's free hosting service; the URL is MSROCAI
was originally hosted by, and it has at times been located on
Geocities, Homestead, and FortuneCity. The demise of the free services
offered by those hosts led me to Tripod; but since Tripod has
proven to be an incredibly reliable, hassle-free, easy-to-use,
versatile hosting service, I think that the collapse of those other entities
ultimately worked in my favor. Speaking of collapsing Internet services,
there is no longer a URL redirect pointing to MSROCAI because, apparently, is weak.
MSROCAI does not rely
on any fancy-pants code or any other nonsense to deliver itself to your
eyeballs. Each page is basic HTML with a Cascading Style Sheet
controlling all of the fonts and colors--CSS is so simple to implement and so
commonly used, however, that I would
hardly consider it "fancy-pants." The only real trick
behind MSROCAI is a pair of JavaScripts that use the "document.write" function
to maintain the general layout of the website: the borders, alignment, and
content of the banner, the menu, and the footer. Those JavaScripts are
just storing the HTML for those parts of the website and recalling them each
time a page is loaded, so, again, nothing all that fancy. Consequently,
though, MSROCAI will not display properly unless your browser has scripts
That being said about
the coding, I did build this website from scratch. I do use
Microsoft FrontPage 2002, but I only do so because of the ease of previewing
pages with that program. The Bravenet services that I use--the
hit counter and
the form submission scripts--and the guestbook (from HTML Gear) are the only
parts of MSROCAI that I didn't personally create. I therefore ask that you
don't blatantly steal the source code of this website; by all means look at it
to figure out how I made MSROCAI so awesome, but don't rip me off.
I use WS_FTP95 LE to
maintain the files on my Tripod account. The program has proven itself
very reliable over the years, so I strongly recommend it if you're looking to do
some FTP'ing of your own.
I build and maintain
MSROCAI on my personal computer: Microsoft Windows XP Professional, AMD Athlon XP 2400+ 2.00-GHz
processor, 224 MB of RAM, 40 GB of hard drive space, 19" monitor set to 1280 x
1024. Firefox is my browser of choice, so I make sure that MSROCAI is
compatible with it as well as Internet Explorer.