Updates: June 2002

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June 12, 2002 at 12:00PM Eastern Daylight Time
    The About Mike section has been updated and pictures of me are now included on it.  The only other thing updated this time is Dragon War Version 5, which is now up in the Dragonball Fanfiction area.  Yes, version 5!  Don't even speculate on my mental condition because you know very well I'm crazy.  Please, go check this new fanfic out.  I plan on it being the last rewrite of Dragon War, and as such the best fanfic I have ever or will ever write.  At the moment no actual chapters have been written, but some rather lengthy Author's Notes are, which I advise to be read before the rest of the fanfic, and a Prologue: War Echoes.  Finally, don't forget to check out the Original Writing section and Cod.

June 8, 2002 at 10:20PM Eastern Daylight Time
    This fine Saturday evening I present a brand-new section of MSROCAI: Original Writing!  As the title of the section suggests, the content of this addition focuses on different methods of trimming finger and toe nails.  Actually, it doesn't, but I do think I have inspired myself again, which is kind of scary but also very productive.  As the title of this new section suggests, it actually contains my original, non-fanfiction writing.  There is even a story in it right now, too!  Go check it out because it is strange Mike Steele humor--original style!  I will be adding more content to this section rather than letting it be a huge waste of space that is horribly neglected.  The section shall also, at some point, acquire a sibling section, Original Artwork.  I'm not exactly sure when or how that will come together yet.  Anyhow, this addition, of course, means numerous modifications to other pages of MSROCAI, such as Legal and Information.
    I am taking my driver's license test Tuesday.  Express to me your hopes that I pass the test.

June 6, 2002 at 12:55PM Eastern Daylight Time
    I've been meaning to update with little things or comments for the past few weeks, but a combination of laziness and school has prevented such.  School having let out this afternoon, laziness is now the only possibly impediment.  Thusly, I shall be doing some updating soon.  If you have any suggestions as to new content that I may burden my Tripod account with, then by all means inform me.  This request alludes, subtly, to the fact that, if I ever update again, which above I promised to do (without promising), the content might not necessarily orient itself about the data axis around which MSROCAI has been the rotating and the theme about which MSROCAI has been revolving for the most significant time during which MRSOCAI has been. I'm trying to move beyond the Dragonball foundation because, let us (by us I mean myself and each individual reading this who is knowledgeable of what Dragonball is and the scope and details of the predicament on which I am about to base this next statement) face it, the Dragonball web community's life signs have been a tad bit short of present as of late (speaking of which, Ginga Giri Giri has closed down). My more feasible ideas have been online manuals for wrestling potatoes, fanfiction about mold, and the world's largest collection of politically-motivated artwork produced by the Linoleum people, who hail from the floor of the Barents Sea.  I know the notion of writing fanfiction about mold may seem a bit outlandish, but I, being Mike Steele, most likely can do it.  By all means comment on these ideas, suggest your own, or start an e-mail debate with me over whether breathing should be considered a national pastime (any nation). 
    Chelsee: this is what you get when you irk me to a very minor degree about my frequent updates and vast content.
    As a closing note for this update, I tried to devise outlandishly silly content to claim to be considering including on MSROCAI.  But, as I thought more and more about it, those ideas really could and will work; yes, I do believe that I am undertaking them.  My reasoning is simple: the ideas are crazy.

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