Updates: January 2004
January 25, 2004 at 9:30 PM Eastern Standard Time
Well, a fairly substantial winter storm
struck today, prompting all the local news outlets to extend their noon
broadcasts well into the evening, thus making a mockery of all things
meteorological. However, it snowed all day, and it's been a really fine
snow that the wind is whipping all around, and it's cold, so school is out for
tomorrow. Rarely does school close due to weather the night before, but
I'm quite down with it; I know I can stay up late tonight watching Adult
Swim. I have huge plans for tomorrow, presuming the roads are made safe
before the snow melts.
January 19, 2004 at 12:30 PM Eastern Standard Time
Two updates in a month; AHHHHHH! Oooo,
and more content at that! Wow...I feel strange, too. I have added
the section
Essays and an essay may currently be found within it (content!). I
moved the English Journal into
Jabberings and plan to add more to both of these sections shortly. I,
of course, have done some maintenance as well, modifying all reviews submitted
through the ID system to show the reviewer's name rather than a dead link to an
ID Number profile. I also (finally) updated Bustle a smidge or so.
January 1, 2004 at 7:25 PM Eastern Standard Time