
Essays Overview

    These incredibly enlightening discourses (and spasmodic scribblings) cover a wide range of topics.  They offer formal positions, informal commentaries, scrutinizing analyses, and expository insights.  Some of these have been written of my own free will (and are thus good), while some I have been forced to write in order to become educated (and thus they are potentially good, more likely not-good, or most likely vomit-strickening; in fact, if you look at, say, one of my literary analyses, either don't or get totally plastered and then read it and then forget what you read so that it doesn't turn your brain inside-out and deep-fry your bones).  Not a single one of these here essays is necessarily true to my actual opinions, so don't hold me to anything; Jean-Jacques the Viewpoint-Validating Bagel will track you down and punish you if you do, and such punishments as those that Jean-Jacques the Viewpoint-Validating Bagel dishes out are universally renowned as unpleasant.

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