Updates: March 2003
March 18, 2003 at 5:45AM Eastern Standard Time
I get to go to school three hours late today
and Thursday so that the sophomores can take the Ohio Graduation Test in peace.
It doesn't actually count for them this year--this is only a pilot, as the test
is new--so the results should be interesting. They should also be
interesting because, gaging from the practice questions I've seen, the test is
rather difficult.
March 7, 2003 at 6:30PM Eastern Standard Time
It only took me eighteen months...The DBFCC
Charts are now online and operational. The first voting period runs
until next Friday, March 14, at 5:00 P.M. EST. If you have an ID Number,
go vote, and if you don't have an ID Number,
go get one and
then go vote.
March 6, 2003 at 6:25AM Eastern Standard Time
A snug mix of snow and ice has delayed school
for two hours this morning.