Updates: May 2002

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May 10, 2002 at 4:10PM Eastern Daylight Time
    The counter hit the 5,000 mark on Wednesday, much to my joy.  Thanks to everyone for such.  I hope to sustain this website for many more counter hits to come.  Ah, but such an ambition is two sided, for I must both not cease the existence of MSROCAI while at the same time developing new material to entertain the visitors and thus keep them returning and thus continue the counter's upward climb.  Unfortunately (you saw that adverb coming), I'm not going to have anything new for a little while.  School ends in something like twenty seven days, so I'm just gonna' wait until then to write some new fanfics (or update old ones)(or continue new ones)(or write updates with flaunted parenthetical skills).  After summer I will try to get back into my "groove."  ^_^  I've just got a pretty crazy school schedule for the next few weeks, so I figure, with the aid of logic, that I should focus on that and prioritize it above recreational internet fancies until the hecticness ceases for the summer.
    In the meantime go and see "Spider-Man" because it rocks most muchly, and vale quod valere dico.  Te tum videbo.  Ita, pro qui Linguam Latinam dicunt, procede ad auxilium meum.

May 5, 2002 at 11:00AM Eastern Daylight Time
    The Links have been updated with new websites.

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