Updates: November 2003
November 28, 2003 at 2:30 AM Eastern Standard Time
I have removed the message board and chatroom
because of an amazing lack of use. Likewise, The DBFCC and its symbiotic
partner ID Numbers have been removed. I do not feel that The DBFCC is an
undertaking that I can manage and I no longer feel that it is worthwhile.
There was also very little interest. In all honesty, the ID Numbers were
implemented solely to facilitate The DBFCC's many attributes; I only
incorporated it into the review system to attract more people to the IDs and
subsequently The DBFCC. But reviews dropped (and not just because Bravenet
changed its coding and no one bothered to tell me that the review forms and
counters were not working). Idealistic fancy; maybe eventually. So,
with these things gone, Site Information, Contact Information, Legal
Information, and Bustle have been updated and modified considerably. I
also better defined the content rating system on Site Information and did a fair
bit of "tidying up" (see the menu bar). With The DBFCC gone and my new
interest in broadening the content of MSROCAI, I changed the title image.
I will yet discuss all the wild and crazy happenings of the past few months
before my Thanksgiving break is over.
November 26, 2003 at 12:00 PM Eastern Standard Time
Well, it seems like I made a slight
misjudgement in my last update, which was two months ago. In it, I claimed
that I would soon update MSROCAI with wonderful new content. First of all,
you should know better than to buy that from me. Second, I should know
better than to buy that from me. I am now on Thanksgiving break, which is
quite far into the school year, so I've committed all sorts of webmaster sins
and such. I'll relate my adventures over the past six months that have so
hindered work on MSROCAI sometime over this break, but at the moment I am
updating just for the sake of proving myself alive. I do have new content,
though (I do hope you were sitting down when you read that). I have
overhauled the
Links. While it may not be much, it should give you something to do if
you're sitting at home bored this holiday and need something to indulge in other
than food. Sometime this weekend, I will have new actual real content.