Updates: April 2003

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April 15, 2003 at 2:50PM Eastern Daylight Time
    I'm on spring break this week and it feels superb.  This respite from school is dearly needed.  I would have updated over the past month and done other such things, but that did not happen.  Now is spring break, though, so, between blocks of sleeping, eating, and chilling, I shall update.  And by update I do not mean another new spring break layout.
    I've been spending a few hours here and there over the past few months and especially today restoring all of the reviews for the fanfics.  I very happily announce that I have now finished doing so for all fanfics currently online, totaling nearly 700 reviews.  Counting the reviews for those fanfics that are not now and are not planned to in the future be online--That Stupid, Stupid Kakkorratt, Signs That DBZ Has Taken Over Your Mind, When Vegeta's Ego Gets Too Big, Battle Interdimensional, and Vegeta Versus New York City--that number is nearly 800.  I enjoy those numbers, and I would enjoy the numbers those numbers would become if they got bigger because more reviews were submitted.
    Need new material to review?  I plan to have more fanfiction ready for reading by the end of the week.  I would, however, like to branch out beyond fanfiction, as I've been trying to do for quite a while, so don't forget the original writing here that may be reviewed and THE POLL THAT TELLS ME WHAT SORTS OF NEW MATERIAL YOU WOULD LIKE.

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