Updates: November 2002
November 29, 2002 at 2:55PM Eastern Standard Time
An important tip: do not drive with your
emergency brake on. I'm smart, so I've tried to go in reverse with it
applied several times (recently, making this all the worse), but the
mechanicalisms of the system prevent that. So, I presumed I wouldn't be
able to move forward if it was applied. I rarely apply it, so I am not
proficient in emergency brake knowledge skills. On my way home from a
gathering this afternoon, I noticed that the front end of my car was vibrating a
tad too much for comfort. Thus, I took the long way home in an effort to
diagnose the cause. I completely forgot I had applied the brake. So,
I'm crusing along and notice that, in addition to the shaking, my car is having
trouble maintaining the speed limit of 35--I was barely doing 25. I failed
to correlate the two troublings and decided that I just didn't have the
accelerator pressed down far enough. Yes, I know it is a holiday weekend
and the cops are thick, but fear not, for I didn't speed. Continuing
along, a number of cars were whizzing by me at a speed comfortably illegal;
however, I needed to change lanes before the one I was in ended. Solution:
faster, doing about 60 in a 55 (but, once more, fear not, for I was going fairly
slow by comparison to my road companions and it was a clear shot, wide road,
good conditions, no traffic but the people I needed to pass). Sixty miles
per hour. I then bumped the emergency brake pedal with my left foot and
realized my error. "Well, that's the problem! (Sniff.) I think
I now know what molten brakes smell like."
In the land of the pertinent, I've made
little progress judging the contest in recent days, but that's to be expected.
Rather than completely succumb to the agony, I've...well, within the next week
(or tonight) there should be one monstrous update (such as all of the fanfics
returning). I've got some excellent story ideas, some concepts for other
projects, and most of Dragon War preparing to manifest themselves.
November 16, 2002 at 7:30PM Eastern Standard Time
I'm currently judging the action/adventure
category of Goku Girl's
Sennenki Dragon Ball
Fanfiction Contest, which just so happens to be enormous (both a great
number of entries and entries of great length). Being the judicious person
I am--I don't succumb to the tendencies of certain people (you know who you
are)--I'm taking a fair amount of time and thoroughly reading each entry.
So I'm going to be busy for a while. I have quite a few fanfics ready to
be uploaded, but I figure a few more days tacked onto a few months/years of
waiting can't hurt too much; I'm planning to just up and finish preparing
everything I've written for the fanfiction world and upload it all at once.
And, when I restore the archive, there may (hint hint) be some/a lot of new
fanfics. Also, a new poll is up, so participate.