Updates: September 2002
September 28, 2002 at 9:45PM Eastern Daylight Time
Fanfiction.net is now enforcing a ban on the uploading of NC-17
fanfics and will soon be removing all fanfics with that rating from the website.
A lot of people are extremely mad at this action and have launched a number of
petitions and countless e-mail complaints. I, however, have written
September 14, 2002 at 2:20PM Eastern Daylight Time
I got an interesting
e-mail the
other day (I don't suggest reading it if you are easily offended or
church-attending religious). I don't think this one as bad as my most
recent incursion with internet imbecility: last night I checked my Hotmail
inbox, which I direct all mailing lists that I am on to, for the first time in,
oh, I don't know, a day, and, instead of having the usual fifty or so new porn
ads and mortgage rate mircale offerings, I found, and I am dead serious, over
500 instances of the same porn ad, which had all been sent from the same
address in something like twenty minutes, and since I was on MSN Messenger while
checking my e-mail, I was able to notice that they were still being sent to me
as I was deleting them, sometimes as often as five a minute. Never, ever
before have I blocked an e-mail address from sending messages to any of my
accounts, but breaching belugas it was an absolute neccessity to prevent my
inbox from overflowing! I was, and with reason, infuriated, but I've
decided that being angry won't make the vile sender quit being. A program
was most likely engaging in viral activities to perpetrate such tremendous
spamming, so it really would be of no use to, even if I could, send a system
crashing virus to the villain. And legal action? Yeah, legal action
is so easy to pursue when pertaining to the intangible world of the
Internet. Oh, well, next time it happens I might report it, but
spam-launching e-mails go up and down so fast it would be like trying to pull a
neutrino over for violating your "personal" space.
September 7, 2002 at 9:00PM Eastern Daylight Time
School is throwing a lot of work at me.
I can handle that--and I am cool with it--but it just devours large blocks of my
time, as was expected. However, the nature of my schedule should make this
labor worthwhile, so I'm having at it all with excitement and focus.
School is definitely taking priority over MSROCAI, but I think within a few
weeks I should be settled into my work load and slate of extra activities
comfortably enough that I may begin to safely multi-task, and thus get some new
content up here. I would have some more fanfics now, but GokuGirl pushed
the Sennenki deadline back, and because of that, in the interest of only
entering high-quality material, I am taking extra time to polish everything.