Updates: September 2001
September 30, 2001 at 3:40PM Eastern
The fanfic index page is back up. Only
one fanfic is up at the moment, though, and that is
Dragon War. I am working to get the rest up, but it could be a
couple of weeks before all of the fics return.
September 29, 2001 at 7:55PM EDT
I have completed and uploaded the DBFCC main
page and the main pages for both the author popularity chart and the fanfic
popularity chart. I have not written any of the columns, but I expect to
begin soon. I urge everyone to go check the DBFCC out. Any
comments or suggestions are welcome.
The fanfics are coming along at a steady
pace. I could possibly have some of them up tonight, though the whole
archive will not be up for a while. I am taking my time with this, though,
because I don't want to be unsatisfied with the final product. I have been
writing a bit; I am foccussing primarily on Dragon War (unfortunately it didn't
win the Sennenki contest), and plan on having at least another chapter done by
the end of the week. All other fanfics are in a creative lock at the
moment, as I am questioning how I want to approach something. You will
find out soon enough.
I am considering hosting fanfics by other
authors again. I want to make it clear that I am only considering this.
Fanfiction.net is suffering some serious problems (the whole situation will be
discussed in the DBFCC soon), and I do not want to see any athors disappear from
the face of the internet if that website goes down. I am still thinking
hard on this, and I might wind up just opening the section on a different
account and getting some people to help me.
I think I will have another update tonight.
Never know with me, though. Oh, one last thing: my new e-mail address is
mdsteele2@earthlink.net. DSL rocks!
September 27, 2001 at 5:30PM EDT
Behold the culmination of three months of
thinking, planning, and coding. This has taken more time than all of the
other re-designs of MSROCAI combined. But it was worth it. This is
the pinnacle of my coding ability, a layout that I feel finally does MSROCAI
justice. In the past I have been limited by the site design as to what I
can do with the site, how easily I can update it, and how awesome it looks.
Many, many times I have dropped all active site updating to makes this thing
look better, work better, and flow better. If I ever do that again, it
will be for one of two reasons: either MSROCAI has grown to a point where
anything even closely beyond this just won't do, or I have lost my mind.
For as far into the future as I can see, though, this will be MSROCAI.
I have never felt this good about this
A bunch of stuff has happened since I last
updated, and over the next few weeks I will cover it. Right now, I just
want to stand back and admire this monster for a few moments. So
take the next day or so to just look at the new MSROCAI, read over the revised
information, and such like that. Please, become very anxious about what
the DBFCC is. The only thing I really can't let you do is read the
fanfics. ALL FANFICS will be down until the end of the weekend, at the
earliest. I have not yet had time to apply the new layout to them, and
because of recent events, I am trying to decide if there are any I should
withold for a while.
See you all tomorrow.
September 24, 2001 at 7:42PM Eastern Time
Please don't hurt me! I am REALLY
trying (and I do mean that) to get the new version of MSROCAI finished.
The problem is I am on about the seventh remake since I undertook this project
three months ago. Yes, three months; I really need to get a content update
done, but it isn't happening for a while.
I plan/hope to have the new MSROCAI up by Friday.
Please bear with me through one more week (it has already been three months, so
what is a little longer?) I don't remember all of the super-fancy things I
promised that MSROCAI version gazillion would have, and going on how often the
whole plan of this project has changed, I think it is safe to say it would be
wrong by now. Here is what is going to happen: lots of stuff.
Doesn't get much more general than that, does it? I am serious, though;
come Friday (hopefully), the site will not only have a new, kick-butt layout,
but a highly ambitious, most-likely impossible to accomplish "network" if you
will. I am not saying much more, except that I ask EVERYONE that reads or
writes Dragonball fanfiction to come by Friday (hopefully) and check it out.
Now, a lot of stuff has happened since the last content
update (school to terrorist attacks to who knows what all); it will all be
covered upon the return. See ya' Friday (hopefully--by the way, the update will
most likely be done after 4:00 PM).