Updates: August 2001

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August 15, 2001 at 10:20PM Eastern Time
    Well, I think I have updated so little this summer that you people deserve something for not ditching me.  However, I don't have ANY new fanfics.  None.  Sorry, but it is taking me a while to get this stuff out; I have been really busy as of late, and have been using my free time to relax and enjoy the summer (and I am making each new fanfic as good as I can).  Unfortunately, school starts back up on the 28th, in which time I have to read three novels, go to karate, do family things, hang-out with friends, and do a bunch of other stuff.  Two weeks left of the summer, and I sure haven't done much for MSROCAI...that has been uploaded to the internet.  No, this doesn't mean I have some disgutingly large hoarde of fanfics waiting to be posted.  It does mean that I am REALLY working to make this website better.  I geuss I can give a little sneak peak.  But be warned, this is not the finalized layout for the revamped MSROCAI; I am taking my time and making it perfect.
    Now, you might be wondering why it is taking me so long to get this project done, even if I am trying to make it awesome (it has almost been two months; I must be repeating last year).  Well, truth be told, I am trying to turn MSROCAI into a Dragonball fanfiction headquarters, complete with reviewing tips and writing advice.   Of course my fanfics will be here (-:  But I am attempting to create some guidelines to be used by the whole of Dragonball fanfiction authors and readers, hence the headquarters part.  Why?  First of all, I have read some really crappy fanfiction lately, some fanfiction that needs some work, and some fanfiction with certain "stolen ideas."  I don't think the reviewing part is too hard to explain; "I hate your story becuz you killed my favorite character!", "You suckxz!", and of course the reviews with no name, e-mail, or a shred of positive insight.  I have recieved a lot of these reviews lately, and man are they getting under my skin.  You'd think that after a year and a half I would be used to this, but if anything, the problem is getting worse (especially since the fandom is growing, which is all the more reason for this).  Now, these "rules" won't be just my opinions; I am trying to get some other veteran authors to help me.
    Just thought you would all like to know this.

August 7, 2001 at 9:40PM Eastern Time
    I apologize to everyone for not making an update since the 21st of June.  Quite frankly, I have had nothing new to update MSROCAI with.  Between the fourth of July, the airshow, my third degree black belt test, a camping trip, and general summer stuff, I haven't typed very much up in the way of fanfics.  I guess it is a good thing, though, because I am not going to burn out; I have this tremendous urge to write at the moment, and it is letting some very good writing flow from me.  So, just hold up for a little while longer and I will have more fanfics for you (especially Dragon War; it is far from done).  Also, those new fanfics I was planning back in June are just taking a while, and will be ready sometime this fall.
    Now, if any of you haven't caught on or if you haven't visited the site since I fell of the Earth, MSROCAI is getting a new look.  Yes, I did this last year.   Yes, I said I was happy with the layout before you.  But remember, I am the one who promised a gazillion fanfics this summer and changes the navigation system of this website more often than an intern disappears.  The new MSROCAI will be really cool, but it is taking forever to get just right; this time, I hope, will be the last total overhaul for a nice while.  It is close to done, and I am really happy with what I have.  I plan to have the new site up by the end of the month when school starts, but I don't know for sure.
    Until the next update, which will be much sooner than this one, let the anticipation roar.

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