Updates: March 2001

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March 31, 2001 at 5:20PM Eastern Time
    I added a contest to Fun Land and a button to the Form of DOOM!!!  In Contact and Your Zone, you can now sign-up for the MSROCAI Newsletter.   Now, tommorrow I plan to have some new fanfics of MINE up...and I ain't talking Dragon War, I am talking HUMOR!!!  I just realized that I have about five fanfics n progress, but I forgot about them.  So, tomorrow being April Fool's Day...

March 30, 2001 at 10:15PM Eastern Time
    I made a quick update to the links page.  Apparently Ginga Giri Giri cost Planet Namek over $1,000 in server fees, and add that to Planet Namek's already outrageous bills, and MrE had to kick GGG off.   But, GGG has a new home.  See you all later.

March 30, 2001 at 7:00PM Eastern Time
    For the past couple of weeks, I have been working on the sections of MSROCAI.  For starters, I added a lot of content to Site Info and gave it some layout updates.  I REALLY suggest you go check it out because it has a lot of important info (Anime Viper, this is where you will find out why I am not accepting fanfic submissions).  Old Updates has a few more entries and there are new polls in the Voting Booth (subsequently there is new material in the Voting Archive).  Your Zone has been toyed with minorly, but the MSROCAI Chat and MSROCAI Board located there have been fixed-up.  Knowledge, Contact Info, and Insanity just got a few coding changes, nothing worth noting.  Other Stuff and About Me have some new content.  The biggest updates are probably in Links and Fun Land.   Links has a lot more links, a submission feature, a link to me feature, and imporved navigation.  Fun Stuff finally has a little toy inside of it, the Form of Doom.  I hightly suggest you go play with that monster.  That is it for now, but expect more soon!

March 30, 2001 at 4:45PM Eastern Time
    As some of you may know, I have had a few issuses with MSROCAI lately. Two weekends ago, I discovered that after a long night of FTP'ing, my Tripod account, and therefore MSROCAI, were gone.  I e-mailed Tripod, and a couple of days later, I got this official explanation.
Dear Tripod member:

Over the past weekend, Tripod experienced a technical problem with one of our automated
scripts. This error resulted in the removal of several legitimate member accounts. We
assure you that your site was not singled out for any personal reason, nor was it deleted
because of its subject matter. Bugs are indescriminate and target everyone equally, no
matter who they are or what they are passionate about.

We would like to take this opportunity to apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused
you. We certainly understand how much time, effort and care goes into our members' sites, and
are working steadily to reverse the problem.

We have already begun the process of restoring Tripod accounts. We expect this to be complete
within the next 48 hours. You will receive a confirmation email once your site has been

If you emailed Tripod concerning another service or abuse issue, we ask that you resubmit this
request using one of the following addresses:
Abuse issue: abuse@tripod.com
General Questions: membership@tripod.com

Thank you for your patience in this matter. We are grateful for your loyalty to the Tripod
service and we value your membership.

The Tripod Team

    I hope that clears everything up.  I was really scared when it happened, and frantically searched for a new host, fearing my account had been intentionally deleted.  I was at FortuneCity for a few days, but there screwed-up banners outweighed there 100megs of space (compared to 50 here), and as soon as I got the above e-mail, I scrambled back here.  So, here I am!
    Now that that is all cleared up, I can get back tp updating.  I have some things in store for this weekend.

March 17, 2001 at 10:45PM Eastern Time
        I am so sorry about any inconveniences that have been caused by the movement of MSROCAI!
      For those of you that don't know the whole story, here it is. First of all, I have kept MSROCAI on a lot of different hosts.  Xoom was the first one, but I left there because of horrible FTP'ing and my images never worked.  From there I went to Geocities, where I was quickly repelled by the stupid ad in the corner of every page.  I then went to Homestead, but left because I couldn't upload the site that I had coded; I would have to WYSIWYG the whole thing from scratch!  Then I went to Tripod, which, in my opinion, is one of the best free hosting services out there.  That opinion was mine yesterday.  Last night, I had finally finished catching up on fics and reviews, and basically had everything from all of the contributors.  Plus, I had created a bunch of new sections.  During the FTP process, I had a few errors, which I couldn't fix unless I used Tripod's file manager; this had never happened before.  Then, after I was all done, I realized that a lot of pics were screwed up, Mystic G's page wasn't working, and the script was mangled.  After a lot of reFTP'ing, I fixed everything.  The whole time that I had been doing this, Chelsee had been FTP'ing all of the new parts of her site to Tripod (all of her fanfics).  We both finished at about 11:30, signed off, and went off to do our evening routine.  Then, I got on this morning to see how things were doing, and found that my site was down.  I went to the Tripod site, and found that my acocunt had been terminated because I violated the terms of service.  I e-mailed them asking why, but I have no response as of yet.  I decided to check on Chelsee's site while pondering my predicament, but to my horror, her site and account were also gone for the same reasons!  She got on, and we spent all day telling everyone we knew to stop going to our old adress because Tripod kicked our butts out the door.  While doing this, we searched for a new host.  I thought of NBCi, which was formerly Xoom.  I spent 6 hours trying to FTP my site to NBCi, far longer than neccessary, and stopped.  I just was having the worst time FTP'ing, and thie rpages load slower than crap!  After several more hours of browsing Domain Name services and professional hosting, both of which I don't want to pay for at this point (well, a domain name would be nice), I found FortuneCity.  'Nuff said.  This place rocks, gives twice as much space as Tripod, and has lots of cool features!  Plus, it works!  Chelsee will be moving her site here A.S.A.P.

March 16, 2001 at 10:20PM Eastern Time
        At this rate my next update will be in May (-:
      I have been REALLY busy lately, so MSROCAI has sat unattended.  But, everything is all caught up now.  I have put up too many fics and the like to list, but there is something new from pretty much everyone.   I also got all those reviews that had been sitting around for the past month put up.  In addition to all of this,  there are three new sections and one section has been laid to rest.  Review Responses is gone because I have no use for it.   But Insanity, Fun Land, and Knowledge are here now!  Check 'em out.   Another section, the Chatroom, has been integrated into a broader section, Your Zone.  Lastly, the Old Updates section now has a direct link from the menu.   Enjoy.
    So, to summarize, a lot of stuff has been done.  I hope to have all of the new sections filled up by the end of the weekend and any errors caused by the mass FTP'ing tonight (there are more than likely a few) fixed.

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