Updates: November 2000

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November 30, 2000 at 3:20PM Eastern Time
   I broke my update marathon...darn.  Chelsee has been writing.  Contradicting Mission (Rest of title exculded due to length) part 10 is up, as well as a rant called Gohan, FUNi, DBGT, and the future.


November 26, 2000 at 6:20PM Eastern Time
   Four straight days of updates! Wow!  However, school starts back up tomorrow...expect nothing more for a while.  This time around, I have the first 5 parts of Ash's Seven Deadly Sins.


November 25, 2000 at 8:30PM Eastern Time
   It scares me that I updated today.  I thought that I would not be able to update again so soon, so still, I beg you not to expect this again any time soon.  I realized that Chelsee has Contradicting Mission Part 9 up on FFN. Seems Author Alert flickered...she also has part 10 done, but it is...not all there. See, she has me grab her stuff off of FFN..she is too lazy to mail it to me.


November 24, 2000 at 10:00PM Eastern Time
   How have I accomplished this much in so little time?  I beg you not to expect this again any time soon.  I finally finished up Dragon War Version 4 Chapter 4:  Emotional Overload!  Go read it!


November 24, 2000 at 7:30PM Eastern Time
   Continuing the streak of updates...Mystic Gohan 33's Five Part "A Potnetial Threat" is up.   Also, the voting is over.  Ian and I tied.   Now the two of us have a revote...there is also a new ballot for something else up in the voting booth.  That is all.


November 23, 2000 at 8:10PM Eastern Time
   Wow.  I have accomplished a megaton today!  All 22 Parts of Dragonball GS, the fic by Anija, are up.  Also, Ash the Wanderer's latest, Tynzien's SagaOnce We Were Heroes is up.  Warning about that one:  it is HUGE!  Ash, can you write a fic less than a meg in size?  Everyone, this is how bad it was.  I had it on Word, and it was 122 pages long!  I had to copy it in 7 sections!  ACKERS!  Eric, you do this to torment me, huh?


November 23, 2000 at 6:20PM Eastern Time
   What the monkeys?  Mike actually following through?  Why...something must be wrong?   No, actually it is just Thanksgiving.  Therfore, I have accomplished a bit today.  The 10 chapters of Fade's Fanfic, Eternal Namek, are now up.  I am working on the stuff for everyone else right now (-:


November 23, 2000 at 4:55PM Eastern Time
   Happy Holiday Celebrating Food!  I might have some actual stuff up later.
November 20, 2000 at 4:10PM Eastern Time
    Hello.  I still exist (-:  I was BUSY this weekend, so I didn't get anything done.   Fanficiton.net has only come back online in the past three days, so I haven't had time to update stuff from other people.  However, it being Thanksgiving week, I have two days of school, and a lot of free time.  You figure it out.  I am in a little writing hole write now, and I can't climb out.  Therefore, it may be a good while before I crank anymore fics out.  Yeah, no Thanksgiving fic...will I get a Christmas one done?  Anyhow, in other news, you guys only have until Thanksgiving night to cast your votes form Emperor of this Existence!!!  Yes, Ian may be winning now, but I am going to employ a newly discovered technique if I am not victroious: recount (-:  Well, maybe I will just tamper with the results...By the way, my High School's football team lost Friday.  Therefore, I take this opportunity to announce to everyone that Piqua, Ohio is an EVIL town!  Dang!  Must be angry!  (-:
November 12, 2000 at 4:50PM Eastern Time
    Links and News have been updated.  I am having trouble getting the stuff from everyone on the site, but I will have them soon.  They can't e-mail them, and Fanficiton.net is down, so I have no way of getting new fics.
November 11, 2000 at 9:00PM Eastern Time
    I have updated Dragon War with Chapter 3: Dragon Ray. Now I am going to go put up some stuff from all of the new people and the old people that I have been neglecting. As I do that, I will be downloading form GingaGiriGiri's extensive clips library...
November 10, 2000 at 8:40PM Eastern Time
    Quick week (-:   Bunch of new sections up for you all to look at.  New contributors, but I have nothing up from any of them yet.  I extended the voting deadline to satisfy Ian.   Uh...oh yeah, nothing new from me yet, either.

November 4, 2000 at 6:50PM Eastern Time
    Not much.  Chelsee's latest, Contradicting Mission Part 7 is up.  It is quite long.  The big thing:  MSROCAI Voting Y2K!   Click here to go to the voting booth and cast your votes!  Voting is open from now until Tuesday at 9:00 PM Eastern Time.
    Now, other than announcing the results of the voting, I will not be updating very much in the next week.  I am going to be working on new things for the site.  Now since it takes forever to modify the table of contents on each and every last page, I am going to do it once I am ALL done...so it might be a week or so...but by that time, I will probably have more Dragon War, Battle Interdimensional, and new stuff from everybody!

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