Updates: October 2000

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October 31, 2000 at 8:00PM Eastern Time
    Happy Halloween!   I don't have any treats or...tricks (crap!), but look for some stuff in the coming days, from me, Chelsee, Prince Vegeta, Ash, and...uh...more?

October 27, 2000 at 9:35PM Eastern Time
    Me still sick.   I persosonally do not enjoy being sick.  So, having missed three days of school (the last three of the quarter no less).  So, I am stuck with a ton of homework this weekend...okay, so math will take an hour or two tops, I have to make a poster, and type up and English report, but still...Anyways...I now have an update in terms of things from me.  After a good long while, I finally have more Dragon War to be read by you all.  Chapter 2:  Super Human Might.  I feel all good now (-:...but I am still sick...The next thing I work on will be either Dragon War chapter 3 or Battle Interdimensional Battle 2.  I am stuck on the humor fics, just can't get in the flow right now (No Halloween humor fic?).  But, all of the action in the last few eps of DBZ on Cartoon Network have feuled my desire to write fight scenes!
    I have some new ideas for the site, besides new people to add.  E-Mail me, all of you, as to what your thought about me putting up the following sections are:  Dragonball news, Opinions, Dragonball basic info,   Responses to Reviews, and some stuff to be put into Other Stuff.


October 26, 2000 at 10:15AM Eastern Time
    Me sick.   Yes, I am.  I am not feeling good.  This has been a very long week.   So, sitting here at home...not being able to comfortably sleep...nothing good on tv...no one online since all of my friends are at school....So I am working on the site.  i am not feeling good, so do not expect much.   I am just cathcing up on a few things, finishing up some fics, and posting them.  Right now I have part 7 of Chelsee's long-named story.

October 22, 2000 at 4:35PM Eastern Time
    This past week has been very long.  This upcoming week will be very long.  All kinds of stuff...do not get your hopes up, but I may have something new for the site soon.  I know that Chelsee, Prince Vegeta, and Ash have some stuff up on FFN that I do not have up...I just have no time...

October 15, 2000 at 8:00PM Eastern Time
    Well, I did get some stuff done, but not nearly as much as I hoped.  I have up the first battle of the new Battle Interdimensional, and Chelsee's Contradicting Mission Part 6.  This fanfic now has its own index page.  If you look below, you will notice that I have finally added some updates to an archive (-: 

October 14, 2000 at 10:50PM Eastern Time
    Sorry.  I have not YET cranked any more out.  BUT...here is the situation.  I am sleeping in the basement, with the computers tonight.  i am not allowed on the internet beyond midnight, so expect no further updates.  Not allowed on the internet, only restriction.  So...I plan to write and work on the site until I fall asleep. 
    So, tomorrow expect a lot, especially since I have NO homework and it should rain.  I REALLY hope to have more "Dragon War" done.   Also, at least one "Battle Interdimensional" battle, three new humor fanfics from me, and some works form other people.  Hey, I may even have a few surpises.
    One thing that I WILL NOT be able to do this weekend is add the stuff from more authors.  I WANT to do that, but it takes a while to add the link to each new author to every page of HTML.  So, give that a few more weeks.
    Finally, I want you all to e-mail Ash the Wanderer.   He refuses to allow me to combat with everyone in the Ice Games!  Hit him with things that have a chance of inflicting pain!


October 14, 2000 at 10:00PM Eastern Time
    I did something this time.  Something big.  First, let me say that I could have done a lot more to the site so far this weekend, I mean, I had no school Friday.  However, I have been non-stop busy since Thursday evening.  However, I am AT THIS MOMENT working on about five fanfics for you people.  Only one is ready.  And it is a BIG one.   Dragon War version 4 Chapter 1: In The Wake Of Departure is up and ready for you to read.  If I am able to work fast enough, I might be able ot crank out chapter 2 tonight, or the beginning of "Battle Interdimensional" version 2.


October 10, 2000 at 2:45PM Eastern Time
    Hello everyone.   I have not had the time recently to do anything.  So I am just saying, "Hey!  I am alive!"  If any of you peole have not read the Ice Games, I suggest you do so.  Chaos is so much fun (-:

October 7, 2000 at 5:20PM Eastern Time
    I have nothing new at the moment, and might not have anythign new until next weekend.  Little things getting in the way (-:  However, when I next update, there should be at least to new fanfics from me up.  I am also working on Dragon War version 4 and some pics to go with it (-:  I like backwards smilies (-:

October 5, 2000 at 4:00PM Eastern Time
    I fixed the previous update notes and some messed up code.  Expect even more from me today.

October 5, 2000 at 3:30PM Eastern Time
    Some stuff done today, not too much. I added a link, a way of contacting me, and a fanfic from Chelsee. I have a lot more to do, so expect more soon. VERY soon. Life is preventimg me from staying on time (-: Don't EVER expect regular updates from me.

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