Attack Of The Akkorratts
Chapter 1

    Vegita lay on the ground, nearly unconscious.  His sparring session with Goku had gone like normal; the super-powerful, mega-dumb Kakkorratt had beaten the living snot out of him.

“Are you all right, Vegita?” Goku called from his spot high above Vegita.

“I hate you!” Vegita shouted.

“Well, why?” Goku asked.

“You are stupid, stronger than me, and a pain in my non-existent tail!” Vegita screamed.  The Saiya-jin stood up, and flew off into the distance.

“Wonder why he is so mad,” Goku thought.  He saw a group of picnickers not far from the sparring grounds.  “Food!” he cried.  He shot off to eat.


“That stupid Kakkorratt!” Vegita mumbled.  He landed his battered self outside of his secret laboratory.  It was hidden deep under the piles of Bulma’s toxic meals, forgotten in the couple’s basement.

“Bulma is at the stupid scientists’ conference this week, and Trunks is with that weird family of Kakkorratt’s this weekend,” Vegita thought.  “My absence should go unnoticed.”

    Vegita walked over to a white cabinet on the wall, and pulled out a senzu bean.  He quickly devoured it, and returned to his normal health.

“Dang Kakkorratt!” Vegita thought.  “It is interesting how, in Saiya-jin, his name means, ‘The one that REALLY irritates Vegita…and can easily be cloned!’ ”  He said the last part with enthusiasm.  Vegita’s face lit up as the idea crashed into his brain.

“Let’s get ready to clone!” Vegita shouted, raising his right fist.

    For several hours, Vegita looked through his records and books.  Then, he gathered some materials, a container with some of Goku’s blood, and a bathtub.

“I hope Kakkorratt is as easy to clone as cloning Dr. Breifs’ black cat was,” Vegita thought.  He knelt down by the bathtub.  He poured in the ingredients, orally running down the checklist.  “One pound concrete powder, six cups sugar, three cups cheddar cheese, nine onions, six golf balls, one picture of Captain Ginyu in a tutu, some of Bulma’s pancakes, and a clipping of Trunks’ hair.”

    Vegita turned on the water, and let it run until the bathtub was full.  The solution created was brown and thick, yet liquidy.  A “sliquid,” as Vegita called it.

    He grabbed a bucket, and filled it with the sliquid.  He then used a syringe to place a drop of Kakkorratt’s blood in the bucket.

“This better work,” Vegita thought, as he shielded his eyes from the bright flash.  After a moment, the smoke cleared.  There stood an exact copy of Goku, save for one minor detail.

“Oh, crap,” Vegita thought.

“I am Bakkorratt, ballerina!” the clone declared.  It went into a wild dance, all the while its sparkly tutu sparkling.

“Wave to your fans,” Vegita said.

“Yay!” Bakkorratt exclaimed.  He turned to face Vegita, and waved with a big smile.

“Big Clone Killer Attack!” Vegita shouted.  The room filled with clone killing cow odors.  Bakkorratt fell dead, and faded into Vegita’s, “Dimension of Screwed Up Clones.”

“Next,” Vegita thought, as he again filled the bucket.  He put a drop of blood in, and again a Goku was formed.

“This seems okay,” Vegita thought.

“I am Cakkorratt, Captain Ginyu re-incarnated!” the clone declared.

“Monstrous Clone Killer Attack!” Vegita hurriedly screamed.  Cakkorratt, too, faded away.

“That was scary,” Vegita said.  He again repeated the process.

“Hi,” the clone said.

“Hi,” Vegita said, eyeing the clone.  He crossed his arms and examined his creation.

“I am Dakkorratt!” the clone declared.

“Wonderful,” Vegita said.  “Now, the point of your existence is to be an improvement on Kakkorratt.  I am going to give you a test to check that.”

“Okey-dokey,” Dakkorratt said.

“First, you must be smarter than Kakkorratt,” Vegita said.  “What is two plus two?”

“Uh…the square root of the diameter of my arm in inches,” Dakkorratt said.

“That’s right!” Vegita thought.  “His arm diameter is 16 inches.”  Vegita asked, “What is that number?”

“Uh…234561239ABD0945IOU!” Dakkorratt shouted.

“What?” Vegita asked.

“Yeah, and cat is spelled D-R-W-25!”  Dakkorratt jumped up and down, clapping his hands.

“This is smelling bad,” Vegita thought, after eliminating the clone.  “Next.”

    After the process was again repeated, another clone stood.  The clone was fatter than a man that swallowed a whale whole!

“I am Fakkorratt!” the clone said.

“I hope you like Bakkorratt, Cakkorratt, and Dakkorratt!” Vegita said.  He trashed another creation.

“I hope my science skills haven’t degraded while being around Bulma,” Vegita thought.  He repeated the process.

“I am Gakkorratt!” the clone said.

“Who said that?” Vegita asked.

“Down here!” the clone said.

“This place must be cursed,” Vegita thought, as he looked at the pile of snot, boogers, earwax, cheese, hair, and sweat.  The pile quickly bit the dust.

“I am only going to try this 15 more times!” Vegita shouted, as he created another clone.

“I am Hakkorratt!” the clone said.  By the time the clone had finished speaking, he was Vegita’s hot dog.

“I didn’t realize how hungry I was!” Vegita thought.  “Hakkorratt sure was a tasty hog!”

“I am Jakkorratt!” the next clone said.

“Oh, you must feel special,” Vegita said.

“You got any jelly-beans?” Jakkorratt asked.

“Why?” Vegita asked.

“They are my only source of nutrition!” Jakkorratt said.  “I must consume 12 tons of them daily!”

“That isn’t good,” Vegita thought.  After the destruction of Jakkorratt, the next clone was created.

“I am Lakkorratt,” the clone said in a seductive voice.

“Speak normally,” Vegita ordered.

“I am, hot stuff!” Lakkorratt said.  He moved towards Vegita, staring at the prince.  “Give me a kiss!”

“No!” Vegita screamed.  His Big Bang Attack took the clone out.

“This is dangerous,” the prince thought, as he went to work on another clone.

“I am Makkorratt,” the clone mumbled.

“I don’t care if Trunks always wanted a monkey as a pet,” Vegita thought.  “It has Kakkorratt’s DNA, and that could cause more annoying Kakkorratts!”

    After the fade-out of the monkey, the next clone was made.

“I am Nakkorratt,” the clone said in a low, monotone voice.

“I am going to give you a test,” Vegita said.

“I am a nobody, kill me!” Nakkorratt said in the same voice.

“Your wish is my command,” Vegita said.  “You are too low on self-esteem to survive a battle with a taunting villain.”

    Vegita went right to work on the new clone after decapitating the last.

“I am Pakkoarratt!” the clone shouted.

“And what reason do I have to kill you?” Vegita asked.

“I don’t know,” Pakkorratt said.

“Okay, I am going to give you a…are you listening?” Vegita asked.

“Come here,” Pakkorratt said.

“Why?” Vegita asked.

“Fine, I will go to you,” the clone said, running to Vegita.  Pakkorratt’s eyes were glued to Vegita.

“Why are you looking at me like that?” Vegita asked.

“I think you will be good,” Pakkorratt said.

“What?” Vegita nervously asked, backing into a wall.

“Yummy time!” Pakkorratt shouted.  He jumped forward, knocking Vegita to the ground.  The clone began to lick Vegita with his huge tongue.

“Gross!” Vegita shouted.  He pushed Pakkorratt away, and stood up.  He was covered in clone slobber.

“Yummy!” Pakkorratt said.

“Feel the wrath of a Saiya-jin covered in grotesque saliva!” Vegita shouted.  He quickly tore Pakkorratt’s right arm off, and shoved it through the clone’s chest.  As soon as the clone faded away, Vegita took a quick shower.

“I am nearing the end of my limits,” Vegita thought.  “Even replacing Kakkorratt isn’t worth this much pain.”

    He reluctantly set forth to create another clone.  “I may as well finish off the clone juice,” Vegita thought, as he scooped out some sliquid.

“I am Rakkorratt,” the clone said.

“No!” Vegita screamed.  “You will cause even more people to think I am messed up in the mind!”

“Why?” Rakkorratt asked.

“You are dressed like Little Red Riding Hood!” Vegita shouted.

“I want to be just like her,” Rakkorratt said.

“When will my suffering end?” Vegita thought, after chasing Rakkorratt down with a sledgehammer, killing him.  A new clone was soon in the process of being created.

“I am Sakkorratt,” the clone said.

“State your problem,” Vegita said.

“What problem?” the clone asked.

“You don’t have one?” Vegita inquired.

“No, silly goose!” Sakkorratt said.  The clone began to run through the laboratory, making faces and dancing goofy.

“That is your problem,” Vegita sighed.

“You have silly hair!” Sakkorratt said, getting in Vegita’s face.

    Ten minutes later, after cleaning up Sakkorratt’s body parts, Vegita started a new clone.

“I am Takkorratt!” the clone proudly stated.

“Trunks?” Vegita asked.  “An older Trunks?”

“Do I look good?” Takkorratt asked, completely ignoring Vegita’s question.  The clone ruffled his purple hair.

“Trunks-arrott!” a group of girls shouted, bursting into the laboratory.

    One hour later, after burying the girls and cleaning up Takkorratt’s blood, Vegita made another clone.

“When will I learn when to stop?” Vegita asked himself.

“Vakkorratt is my name!” the new clone said.

    Vegita, worried about the outcome, killed the clone instantly.  The vacuum cleaner that was in its mouth fell to the floor.  A new clone was started right away.

“I am Wakkorratt,” the clone said.

“What the heck?” Vegita asked, falling down.  The clone’s power was enormous.

“You are a little shrimp!” Wakkorratt shouted at Vegita.

“For the love of cows, kill him!” Vegita shouted.  The odors filled the room, killing the clone.  Vegita, determined that it had to work sometime, created another clone. 

“Xakkorratt is my name!” the clone shouted.  “I am the coolest being alive!”

“I am!” Vegita shouted.

“Uh…you are about as cool as fertilizer, man!” Xakkorratt said.

“Dang, clones,” Vegita thought, removing Xakkorratt’s remains from his laboratory.

“This should work,” Vegita thought, mixing the second to last clone.

“I am Yakkorratt!” the clone screamed in an odd manner.

“Bye,” Vegita said, killing the infant.  “I want no more Kakkorratts growing up here!” Vegita shouted.  “Goten and Gohan were bad enough!”  He sat about to make a new clone.

“I am Zakkorratt!” the clone said.

“Really Monstrous Bang attack!” Vegita screamed, annihilating the zebra-riding clone.

“I will give this one, last try,” Vegita mumbled.

    While the smoke was forming, Goku teleported to where the clone would form, crushing it.

“What is your name?” Vegita asked.

“What you doing, Vegita?” Goku asked.

“Your name?” Vegita pushed.

“Kakkorratt, but I prefer Goku,” Goku said.

    Vegita ran out of the laboratory, screaming, “No!  I can’t make anything better than him!  I am going to go nuts!  Help me!”