April Namek Fool

Chapter 1

Name:  18
Comments:  very funny.

Name:  She-dragon
Comments:  Vegita in a pink Ginyu tutu AND with green hair? This is pure gold.

Name:  night fox
Comments:  i like the part "green and wet" oh that was hilarious

Name:  Paul B.
Comments:  That is evil of Piccolo. He would make Vegeta endure Bulma's AND Chi-Chi's wrath. EVIL.

Name:  Ly
Comments:  LOL!!! I especially loved the farting part!! ^_^

Name:  Mike(aka MetalMamemon)
Comments:  That was Funny ^_^

Name:  ahab
Comments:  HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA funny funny funny i heard of yuor insane funny fics and decied t check em out

Name:  Supermario2000
Comments:  FFFUUUNNNYYY!!! Poor Piccolo. But he did get his revenge.

Name:  DBZ Girl

Name:  Rebecca Waesch
Comments:  OH MAN that was GREAT!I love Vegeta hanging from a flag pole!! Do more, more, MORE! Bunny

Name:  Princess Michiru
Comments:  LOL!!! GO PICCOLO!!!!!!!!

Name:  kari
Comments:  That was halerous make a sequal. April namek fool 2 how vegita gets his revenge and plays pranks on tge others too. that'll be good. ~kari~

Name:  Wouldn't you like to know
Comments:  Again I say, stop doing all this stuff to Vegeta!

Name:  saiyanqueenserena
Comments:  that was funny i liked the last part the most, keep up the good work

Name:  shenlon
Comments:  funny story, I agree with vedgy. Some of you die hard vegeta fans out there do need to seriously calm down.

Name:  M
Comments:  Very funny, Grate

Name:  Connet

Name:  Sailor Astralite
Comments:  This was funny...can I post this on my site?

Name:  Traci A. Miller
Comments:  I usually hate it when people make fun of piccolo in a mocking way,but this was funny and Piccolo got his revenge in the end,so,I forgive you!!!!!! Piccolo is my fav.char.He is I'm glad you had that drop dead gorgeous hunk of a Namekian,Piccolo in it instead of Goku or someone else!!!!! You have potential to be a writer,as do many others here at fanfiction.net!!!!!!!!!!! Good luck and make more with Piccolo in them!!!!!!!!!PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Name:  Queen Moon
Comments:  Thats so funny I almost peed my pants the part I like the most is when Vegeta is wearing a tutu!

Name:  Chelsee
Comments:  Wow, I laughed myself sick the first time....so....I must have laughed myself to DEATH this time.  Make another and I may just laugh my self....um....UNDEAD! Or eternally....uh....SOMETHING! I'll just let you think about that, since you're the brains of the out-fic. Get it? Out-FIC!? You write fics and your the brains of the out-fit!? OH I AM SOO WITTY! MAAHAHAHAHA!

Name:  Angry Vegeta fan
Comments:  problems with this 1.Vegeta moves faster than piccolo 2.Vegeta would'nt just stay there cus he could break out so if their is another make sure that if he broke out somthin bad would happen 3.Piccolo would be smart and make a shield with somethin and then attack

Name:  .......
Comments:  *just laughed so hard that she peed her pants*

Name:  Vedgy
Comments:  This story me like! Tee hee! Poor Vegeta though.  By the way Mr. 'Angry Vegeta Fan. Take a chill pill. It's not that bad! Geesh! You people are so serious some times that it makes me SICK!

Name:  blackdragon
Comments:  that was more funny then last time

Name:  chikyuu
Comments:  he he, revenge is so--o sweet,oh vegeta you poor fool, maybe now you will learn not to piss off Piccolo,,after all, he has been on the planet longer but really its a hilarious fic just talk about getting your just deserts!! ^_^

Name:  >:)
Comments:  ^_^ HA! HA! HA! YOU GO PICCOLO!